ralf homann


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start [2020/05/04 14:52] berndstart [2021/05/03 15:59] – [Pop Punk Politik - Die 1980er Jahre in München] ralf
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-<audio src="https://www.html.am/resources/sample.mp3" controls> 
 ===== About This Wiki ===== ===== About This Wiki =====
-This Wiki is an ever-changing medium which provides deeper information on my works. At the same time it has the function of a tool under construction for these works. Please feel free to click here the [[https://wiki.ralfhomann.info/start?do=index | SITEMAP]] to get an index. Also the pen icon up right will provide an overview. Feel also free to use the comments section below on this page (I'm sorry, maybe it's currently unavailable) or forward an [[coordinates | e-mail]]. A current and brief artist's CV you will get [[CV | here]].+This Wiki is an ever-changing medium which provides deeper information on my works. At the same time it has the function of a tool under construction for these works. Please feel free to click here the [[https://wiki.ralfhomann.info/start?do=index | SITEMAP]] to get an index. Also the pen icon up right will provide an overview. Feel also free to use the comments section below on this page (I'm sorry, maybe it's currently unavailable) or forward an [[coordinates | e-mail]]. 
 +**A current and brief artist's CV you will get [[CV | here]]**.
 [[wiki:ebook | The Wiki is available also as ebook]] [[wiki:ebook | The Wiki is available also as ebook]]
-===== News ===== 
-**Meet The Artist 2019: Critical Thinking** 
-{{:critical_19_p-2.jpg?400| New Video: Dance thre Side Step Merger}} 
 +===== Upcoming=====
-[[bttp|The Better Think Tank Project]]+====Pop Punk Politik - Die 1980er Jahre in München====
-{{:beide_stockholm_problems_of_today.jpg?400 The Better Think Tank Project Stockholm Headquarters}}+[[https://www.muenchner-stadtbibliothek.de/veranstaltungen/details/pop-punk-politik-die-1980er-jahre-in-muenchen-10455 Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus (Munich)]]
-==== Radical Think-Tank Theory ==== +{{::msb_plakat_punk_a3_20210329_fertig.jpg?direct&400|}}
-Interview with Ralf Homann and Manuela Unverdorben+
-**By Geert Lovink**+The exhibition is dedicated to a young, diverse literature in Munich in the 1980s. Text, medium, message and attitude are closely interwoven. Pop and punk playfully deconstruct the bourgeois media world. Radical aesthetics become a means of expression political claims. The gay movement's ActUp against the rigid AIDS policies, as well as the commitment of the women/lesbian movement for self-determined spaces, are indispensable to this "founding period" of new social and urban movements. The decade also includes the struggle for an own public sphere and against the criminalization of grasroot alternatives.
-[April 19, 2018 at 6:15 am] +[[curating get more]]
- +
-**How can we imagine to do radical research outside of the established academic institutions and large mainstream media?** +
- +
->> [[http://networkcultures.org/geert/2018/04/19/radical-think-tank-theory-interview-with-ralf-homann-and-manuela-unverdorben/|Get the full text right now]]. +
-===== Recently =====  +
- +
-{{::freie_klasse_in_der_freien_strasse_basel_01.jpg?400| Freie Klasse München in der Freien Strasse Basel }} +
- +
-[[http://www.freie-klasse-muenchen.de/a-k-t-u-e-l-l-e-s/detail/news/gelb-stinkt-nicht/?tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=6b2f01dfba0b0a724f59d5653f6d36d3 |Free Class of Munich in Basel (Free Street)]] +
- +
- +
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 For the 1st International Conference on Migration Brokerage in Graz (Austria) 2003, please visit the [[http://schleuser.info | Trade Association for Smuggling People - schleuser.net]] For the 1st International Conference on Migration Brokerage in Graz (Austria) 2003, please visit the [[http://schleuser.info | Trade Association for Smuggling People - schleuser.net]]
-** Double Road (Bengaluru / Munich) ** 
->>double road 
-A lecture-performance with masala sticks and tulsi tea about the 
-cultural exchange between Munich and Bangalore 
-Artists-in-residence: Beate Engl, Christian Engelmann, Max Erbacher, 
-Fabian Hesse and Ralf Homann  
-April 15 2015, 7 p.m. cet 
-[[http://kunstraum-muenchen.de/ | kr. - kunstraum (Munich)]] 
-** Deepa-Logfile ** 
-{{i_3rd_i_indien_110.jpg:?50x50&nolink | deepa-logfile}} 
-[[deepa-logfile]] of my [[http://www.goethe.de/ins/in/en/bag/uun/krr/deepa/20423918.html | BangaloREsidency]] @ [[http://maraa.in/ | Maraa]] 