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appeal_no_one_is_illegal [2010/04/10 13:48] – created ralfappeal_no_one_is_illegal [2010/04/11 10:45] ralf
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-Coming Soon+===== No One Is Illegal: Logo and List of First Supporters ===== 
 +{{:no_one_is_illegal_supporters_list.jpg?300x200| No One Is Illegal: Apeal and list of supporters}} 
 +===== Appeal No One Is Illegal (Passed at documenta X) ===== 
 +==== Deutsch ==== 
 +**"Ihr sollt wissen, daß kein Mensch illegal ist. Das ist ein Widerspruch in sich. Menschen können schön sein oder noch schöner. Sie können gerecht sein oder ungerecht. Aber illegal? Wie kann ein Mensch illegal sein?" 
 +(Elie Wiesel)  
 +MigrantInnen und Flüchtlinge sind in Europa unerwünscht. Nachdem es für sie nahezu unmöglich ist, auf legalem Weg hierher zu fliehen, einzureisen oder einzuwandern, ist die Überschreitung der Staatsgrenzen nur noch "illegal" möglich und nicht selten mit tödlichen Gefahren verbunden. "Illegal" wird, wer bleibt, obwohl der Aufenthalt nicht mehr erlaubt, gestattet oder geduldet ist. Systematisch werden die verbliebenen Einreise- und Aufenthaltsmöglichkeiten reduziert. So wird eine immer größere Zahl von Menschen in die Illegalität gezwungen. 
 +Grenzen trennen nicht mehr nur Territorien, Grenzen trennen Menschen. Grenzen verlaufen überall: im Sozialamt wie auf dem Bahnhof, in der Innenstadt wie an der Staatsgrenze. Die Grenze ist überall, wo Menschen befürchten müssen, nach Papieren gefragt zu werden. 
 +In entrechtetem, ungesichertem oder illegalisiertem Status zu leben, bedeutet die ständige Angst vor Denunziation und Erpressung, weil die Entdeckung Bestrafung, Abschiebehaft oder die sofortige Abschiebung zur Folge hat. Es bedeutet völlige Schutz- und Rechtlosigkeit gegenüber Behörden, Arbeitgebern und Vermietern, aber auch im Falle von Krankheiten, Unfällen oder Übergriffen. Es bedeutet auch, soziale Kontakte fürchten zu müssen. Kinder können keine Schule und keinen Kindergarten besuchen, Jugendliche keine Ausbildung anfangen. Es bedeutet, ständig auf der Hut zu sein. 
 +Für Frauen bedeutet das Leben in der Illegalität sexistischer Gewalt rechtlos ausgesetzt zu sein und die Versorgung und Betreuung von Kindern und Familie, für die sie meistens verantwortlich sind, unter schwierigsten Bedingungen leisten zu müssen. 
 +Im Kampf gegen Rassismus und Sexismus wird es immer wichtiger, MigrantInnen in ihren Kämpfen gegen Illegalisierung und für ihr Recht, überhaupt Rechte zu haben, politisch und praktisch zu unterstützen. 
 +Jeder Mensch hat das Recht, selbst zu entscheiden, wo und wie er leben will. Der Regulierung von Migration und der systematischen Verweigerung von Rechten steht die Forderung nach Gleichheit in allen sozialen und politischen Belangen entgegen, nach der Respektierung der Menschenrechte jeder Person unabhängig von Herkunft und Papieren. 
 +Deshalb rufen wir dazu auf, MigrantInnen bei der Ein- oder Weiterreise zu unterstützen. Wir rufen dazu auf, MigrantInnen Arbeit und Papiere zu verschaffen. Wir rufen dazu auf, Migrantlnnen medizinische Versorgung, Schule und Ausbildung, Unterkunft und materielles Überleben zu gewährleisten. 
 +Denn kein Mensch ist illegal. 
 +==== English ==== 
 +**"You shall know that no one is illegal. It is a contradiction in itself. People can be beautiful or even more beautiful. They may be just or unjust. But illegal? How can someone be illegal?" 
 +(Elie Wiesel)  
 +Migrants and refugees are not wanted in Europe. Here it is nearly impossible for them to find a legal form of refuge or immigration, so crossing state borders will always be an "illegal" offence and often entail risking ones life. An "illegal" person is someone who stays even though it isn’t permitted or accepted. The possibilities of immigration or residence are systematically reduced. Thus an ever increasing number of people is forced into illegality. Borders do not only separate territories, they separate people. Borders exist everywhere: at social welfare centres, at stations, in city centres as well as at the state border. Wherever people have to prove their identity there is the border. 
 +Living without rights, security or legality means constant fear of denunciation and blackmail, because the consequences of being found out are punishment, remand pending deportation or immediate deportation. One has no protection or rights face to face with authorities, employers and landlords, but also in cases of illness, accidents or encroachment. Social contacts become a frightening risk. Children cannot attend school or kindergarten, young people are deprived of education and training. One has to watch out all the time. 
 +For women living in illegality means to be exposed to sexist violence without any rights. It also means that women, being in most cases responsible for the children and the family, have to take care af them under very difficult and hard conditions. 
 +In the fight against racism and sexism it is becoming more and more important to give political and practical support to migrants in their battle for legalisation and their right to have any rights at all. 
 +All people have the right to decide for themselves where and how they want to live. Respecting human rights for every human being regardless of their origin or identity means that the regulation of migration and the systematic denial of rights go against the demand for equality in all socially and politically relevant areas. 
 +For these reasons we are calling for the support of migrants on entry and the continuation of their journey. We are calling for the provision of work and identity papers for migrants. We are calling for the supply of medical care, education and training, accommodation and material survival. 
 +Because no one is illegal. 
 +==== Français ==== 
 +**"Sachez que personne n'est illégal. Il s'agit d'une contradiction en soi. Il y a des gens qui sont beaux et d'autres qui le sont plus encore. Il y a des gens qui sont justes, et d'autres qui sont injustes. Mais illégaux? Comment un homme peut-il être illégal?" (Elie Wiesel)  
 +Migrant(e)s et réfugié(e)s sont indésirables en Europe. Comme il est pratiquement impossible de trouver refuge, d'immigrer ou de voyager par voie autorisée, pour eux, pour elles, franchir les frontières pourra se faire seulement de manière "illégale", et bien souvent en côtoyant la mort. "Illégal" deviendra celui ou celle qui reste dans un pays alors que son séjour n'est plus ni autorisé, ni toléré. Et comme systématiquement les conditions d'entrée et de séjour deviennent plus restrictives, un nombre toujours plus grand de personnes se retrouvent dans l'illégalité. 
 +Les frontières qui jadis séparaient des territoires séparent aujourd'hui des hommes. Les frontières sont partout, à l'assistance sociale comme dans les gares, au coeur des villes comme en bordure de l'Etat. Les frontières sont partout où des hommes ont à redouter qu'il leur soit demandé de montrer des papiers. 
 +Vivre dans l'ombre, privé(e) de droits ou clandestinisé(e), c'est vivre dans l'angoisse permanente de la délation et du chantage, car, la situation découverte, la peine encourue sera la rétention ou l'expulsion immédiate. C'est éprouver l'absence totale de protection et de recours vis-a-vis de l'administration, des patrons et des propriétaires, ainsi que face à la Press any key to return to index.ntieux. C'est devoir craindre tout contact social:en conséquence pas d'école ou de garderie pour les enfants, pas de collège ou d'apprentissage pour les jeunes gens et les jeunes filles. C'est devoir être constamment sur ses gardes. 
 +Pour les femmes la vie dans la clandestinité signifie etre exposés à la violence sexiste sans etre protegées par n´imparte quel droit. En plus ce sont les femmes dans la plupart des cas qui sont responsables de s´occuper des enfants et de la famille et d´assurer leur vie materielle sous des conditions delicates. 
 +Dans la lutte contre le racisme et le sexisme, il devient plus important chaque jour d'apporter un soutien aussi bien politique que pratique aux migrant(e)s, dans leur combat contre les processus d'illégalisation, et pour leur droit à avoir des droits. 
 +Chaque personne à le droit de décider elle-même où et comment elle souhaite vivre. Régulation des migrations et refus systématique de droits vont à l'encontre de la demande d'égaillé sociale et politique, et de l'exigence du respect effectif des Droits de l'Homme pour chacun et chacune, indépendamment de son origine et de son titre de séjour. 
 +Pour ces raisons, nous appelons à soutenir les migrant(e)s pour leur entrée, leur séjour ou leur voyage dans le territoire communautaire. Nous appelons à leur procurer du travail et des papiers. Nous appelons à leur assurer des soins médicaux, des logements, des moyens de subsistance. 
 +Parce que personne n'est illégal. 
 +==== Português ==== 
 +**"Saibam que ninguém é illegal. Seria un contradição em si. As pesoas podom ser bonitas ou mais bonitas ainda. Podem ser justas ou injustas. Pórem ilegais? Como pode una pessoa ser ilegal?" 
 +(Elie Wiesel  
 +Na Europa, imigrantes e refugiados são indesejáveis. Depos de já lhes ter sido quase impovíssel fugir para cá, ntrar maneira que não raro apresenta perigos de vida. "Ilegal" torna-se quem fica, embora sua permanência ja não eja mais permitida, consentida ou tolerada. As posibilidades de entrada ou de permanência aind restantes vem sendo aqui ou imigrar por camhinos legais, eles só podem passar pela fronteira de un paí europeu de maneira "ilegal", sistematicamente reduzidas. assim, força-se un númerosempre cresente de pessoas a cair na ilegalidade. 
 +As fronteiras já não dividem mais somente os territórios, as fronteiras separam as pessoas. Há fronteira em toda parte: na repartiçao de ajuda social tanto como na estação ferroviária, nos centros das cidades como nos limites entre países. Fronteiras há em qualquer lugar onde as pesoas se vejam forçades a reecar que vão exigir-lhes documentos. 
 +Viver numa situação de falta de direitos, falta de segurança ou de ilegalidado significa o constante medo de ser denunciados ou chantageado, porqueser pego tem por consequéncia o castigo, a pena de prisão que antecede a deprtação ou a própria deprtação imediata. Significa a completa falta de proteção e de direitos em relação ás repartições, aos empregadores e aos senhorios, bem como em caso de acidente, de doença ou de agressão. Significa também ter recear os contatos sociai. As crianças não podem frequentar nenhuma escola, nenhum jardim de infância, os jovens não receben orientação profissional. Significa estar sempre de tocaia. 
 +No combate ao racismo, torna-se cada vez mais imprtante dar apoeio político e prático aos migrantes em suas lutas contra a ilegalização ea fvao de seu direito ao simples direteio de ter direteios. 
 +Cada un tem o direito de decidir por si mesmo onde e como ele quer viver. Regulamentar a migração e negar sistematicamente direitos opõe-se á exigência de igualdade em todos os aspectos, á exigência de respeito pelos direitos humanos de cada um independente de sua origem de seus documentos. 
 +Por isso, conclamamos ao apoio aos migrantes, quer aos que desojam permancer aqui, quer aos que estejam continuando a sua jornada. Apelamos a que se forneça aos migrantes trabalho e documentação. Apelamos para que se garanta aos migrantes assistência médica, educação e aprendizado, moradia e a possibilidade de sobrevivência material. 
 +==== Język polski ==== 
 +**"Powinniscie wiedziec, ze zaden czlowiek nie jest nielegalny. Jest to sprzecznosc sama w sobie. Ludzie moga, byc piekni, albo, jeszcze piekniejsi. Moga byc sprawiedliwi, albo niesprawiedliwi. Ale nielegalni? Jak moze czlowiek byc nielegalny?" 
 +(Elie Wiesel) ** 
 +Migrantki i uciekinierzy sa w Europie niepozadani. Poniewaz uciec, wjechac lub imigrowac tutaj legalnymi drogami stato sie dla nich prawie niemozliwe, pozostaje juz tylko "nielegalne" przekraczanie granic panstwowych. "Nielegalnym" staje sie ten, kto pozostaje, mimo ze pobyt juz nie jest dozwolony lub tolerowany, mimo braku zezwolenia na pobyt. W ten sposob coraz wieksza ilosc ludzi zmusza sie do nielegalnosci. Granice juz nie dziela terytorii, granice dziela ludzi. Przebiegaja wszedzie: w urzedzie opieki spolecznej i na dworcu, w srodmiesciu i na granicy panstwa. Granica jest wszedzie tam, gdzie ludzie musza sie obawiac, ze ktos ich spyta o papiery. 
 +Zycie w stanie wyjetym spod prawa, niezabezpieczonym lub zdelegalizowanym oznacza staly strach przed donosem i szantazem, poniewaz wykrycie powoduje kare, areszt przeddeportacyjny albo natychmiastowe wydalenie. Oznacza to calkowity brak opieki i zupelne wyjecie spod prawa wobec urzedow, pracodawcow i wynajmujacych mieszkania, jak tez w razie choroby, wypadku czy jakis naduzyc. Oznacza takze obawe przed kontaktami miedzyludkimi. Dzieci nie moga, uczeszczac do szkol lub przedszkoli, mlodziez nie moze rozpoczac wyksztalcenia zawodowego. Oznacza to, miec sie stale na bacznosci. 
 +Pod walka, przeciw rasizmowi rozumie sie dzis przede wszystkim polityczne i praktyczne wsparcie migrantek w ich walce przeciw delegalizacji i o prawo do posiadania wogole jakichkolwiek praw. 
 +Kazdy czlowiek ma prawo sam decydowac, gdzie i jak chce zyc. Przeciw barbarzynstwu panujacego rezymu migracyjnego stoi zadanie rownosci we wszystkich socjalnych i politycznych sprawach, respektowania praw czlowieka kazdej osoby, niezaleznie od tego, skad pochodzi i jaki jest stan prawny jej pobytu. 
 +Diatego wzywamy do wspierania migrantek przy wjezdzie lub przy ich dalszej podrozy. Wzywamy do starania sie o prace i papiery dla migrantek. Wzywamy do zabezpieczania dla migrantek pomocy lekarskiej, dachu nad glowa, i materialnych mozliwosci przezycia. Gdyz zaden czlowiek nie jest nielegalny. 
 +===== Preparing No One Is Illegal 1997 ===== 
 +==== Kassel Orangery ==== 
 +{{:dx_no_one_is_illegal.jpg?300x200| No One Is Illegal: Start at Hyprid Workspace of documenta X, Kassel 1997}} 
 +{{:dx-4.jpg?300x400| Inside Hybrid Workspace: Exhibition}} 
 +{{:dx-space2-6.jpg?300x200| Inside Hybrid Workspace: Studio}} 
 +==== Working Paper ==== 
 +Sun, 29 Jun 1997 20:41:18 +0200 (DFT) 
 +( general introduciton into the cross_the_border project 
 +from june 28 to july 7th in workspace, fighting for the 
 +rights of immigrants. ) 
 +C R O S S T H E B O R D E R 
 +telephones are cellular, computers are portable and the quickly 
 +moving bytes are invisible. the easier money and goods flow across 
 +the territories of nations, the more western europe and united 
 +states close their doors to migration. "we don't want you, we only 
 +want to take everything you've got!". this could be a description 
 +of the interrelations of postcolonial exploitation. people who try 
 +to enter the so called first world - as refugees in order to 
 +escape prosecution or simply looking for some luck - 
 +are forced into illegality. One of the central political struggles 
 +is to combat the hegemony of borders and the regime of migration, 
 +to support migrants and refugees, documented or undocumented, in 
 +their fights for the right to live, where they like and how they 
 +like. because no one is illegal... 
 +C R O S S T H E B O R D E R 
 +what exactly is [cross the border] and what's going on? 
 +[cross the border] is a project temporarily hosted by 
 +Hybrid WorkSpace 
 +during the 100 days of documenta X in Kassel/Germany. 
 +on staurday 28th of june [cross the border] is opened by a meeting 
 +of antiracist groups and initiatives from all over germany. the 
 +groups are invited to discuss and decide over the call of the 
 +campaign "kein mensch ist illegal". the activists are expected to 
 +come from the autonomous left as the church asylum movement, from 
 +refugee councils and self-organisation of migrants. 
 +on sunday, 29th of june, the results of the meeting the day before 
 +are reported to the press. on the afternoon there are going to be 
 +round table talks about how to spread the campaign most efficiently. 
 +during the ten days of [cross the border] the orangerie serves as a 
 +central point communication, for questions, further suggestions and 
 +ideas. these functions will be decentralized again afterwards. 
 +all the week small workshops applying video-, audio- and computer-equipment work on work on electronic flyers, which should 
 +be usuable and insertable in as many diverse ways as possible. these 
 +flyers will either follow directly the campaign "kein mensch ist 
 +illegal" or they will pick out certain aspects, discuss and comment 
 +on them, and furthermore, refer on related issues. the results will 
 +be partly stored to be rewritten, documented and titled later on, 
 +or will be exposed and broadcasted immediately in the orangerie, 
 +or spread via internet or a local radio station. 
 +the employed material will be preserved in the archives and will 
 +be placed to the disposal of all interested groups. visitors to 
 +orangerie or w3-sites can view the raw-material or the results of 
 +preceeding works during the ten days. these materials embrace 
 +video- and audio-installations, lectures and public debates. a 
 +detailled "sans-papier", which means undocumented paperless people. 
 +several hundred migrants who had already fought against their 
 +impending expulsion since months, occupied the church after 
 +preceeding negotiations with the government had failed at last. 
 +the occupation of saint bernard and the great supporters movement, 
 +which came into existence throughout the summer gave birth to a 
 +totally new dimension of against federal racism and ruling european 
 +migration systems. this resistance is still lasting till today in 
 +the appearance of spectacular action against the tightning up of 
 +the french residence law. the sans-papiers do not demand less 
 +than papers for all and equal rights for all - no matter if one 
 +has a job or where she or he comes from. 
 +via internet and live conferences [cross the border] will be consistently in contact with action in paris and other french 
 +cities, culminating on the planned net-casting of simultaneous 
 +actions in paris, kassel and some other cities on july 5th. 
 +further goals of our work at the orangerie in kassel will be to 
 +come into contact with activists from all over europe, and, if 
 +these contacts already do exist, to improve them. the building 
 +up of an efficiantly working european and international network 
 +seems to be more necessary than ever. at least since the 
 +assimilation and harmonization of immigrant policies, asylum 
 +statutes and the going on of expulsions and detention practises, 
 +and also because of the export to neighboured countries, which 
 +most migrants and refugees have to pass through on their way 
 +to western-europe. 
 +the main channel of Hybrid WorkSpace http://www.documenta.de/workspace 
 +===== Lately Seen: Vienna 2009 ===== 
 +{{:aktuelles1.jpg?300x400 | The logo of No One Is Illegal is open source. }} 
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